Abstract Classes and Interfaces

Copied as is from https://www.quickstart.com/software-engineering/when-and-how-to-use-abstract-class-and-interface/#:~:text=An%20interface%20in%20OOP%20is,return%20types)%20without%20any%20implementation.

Understanding Abstract Classes

An abstract class, in essence, is a class that cannot be instantiated on its own but serves as a foundation for other classes to be derived from. It acts as a template or a prototype, defining a common structure and a set of methods that must be implemented by its subclasses. 

The primary purpose of abstract classes is to provide a blueprint or a skeletal framework for derived classes. They outline the essential attributes and methods that any class inheriting from them must include. By doing so, abstract classes enforce a certain structure and consistency among the derived classes, ensuring that they adhere to a specific design pattern or interface.

Abstract classes find their utility in various scenarios within software development, serving as a valuable tool to solve specific design challenges:

  • Creating Hierarchies: Abstract classes are particularly useful when you need to define a hierarchy of classes that share common attributes and behaviors. For instance, consider a geometric shapes application. You might have an abstract class called ‘Shape’ that defines common properties like ‘color’ and ‘position’. Subclasses like ‘Circle’ and ‘Rectangle’ can inherit from ‘Shape’ to reuse these attributes while implementing their own specific methods like calculateArea().
  • Frameworks and APIs: When developing frameworks or APIs, abstract classes can play a crucial role in defining the expected structure and behavior of classes that will be extended by developers. For example, in a game development framework, you might have an abstract class ‘GameObject’ that includes methods like update() and render(). Game developers can then create their game objects by extending this abstract class and implementing these methods to define custom behavior.
  • Template Method Pattern: Abstract classes are instrumental in implementing the Template Method design pattern. In this pattern, the abstract class defines the skeleton of an algorithm in terms of a series of steps, with some steps left abstract. Subclasses then implement these abstract steps, providing their own specific functionality. This allows for code reuse while allowing customization where necessary.
  • Plugin Architecture: Abstract classes are commonly used in plugin architectures, where you want to define a set of methods or hooks that external plugins must implement to extend the functionality of an application. The abstract class acts as the interface for plugins, ensuring that they adhere to a specific contract.
  • Database Models: In object-relational mapping (ORM) frameworks, abstract classes can represent database tables or entities. For example, you might have an abstract class ‘Person’ that contains properties like ‘name’ and ‘age’. Subclasses ‘Student’ and ‘Teacher’ can inherit from ‘Person’ and add their own specific properties, like ‘studentId’ or ‘teacherId’.

Exploring Interfaces

An interface in OOP is a blueprint for a set of methods that a class must implement. Unlike abstract classes, which can contain a mix of abstract and concrete methods, interfaces only contain method signatures (names, parameters, and return types) without any implementation. Essentially, an interface defines what a class should do without specifying how it should do it.

One of the significant advantages of interfaces is that they allow a class to inherit from multiple interfaces simultaneously. In contrast to class-based inheritance, where a class can inherit from only one superclass, a class can implement multiple interfaces. This feature enables a high degree of flexibility in designing class hierarchies and sharing behavior among unrelated classes. 

Interfaces are also a cornerstone of polymorphism in OOP. Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common interface or base class.

Interfaces and abstract classes serve different purposes in object-oriented programming (OOP), and there are situations where interfaces are preferable over abstract classes. For example, interfaces are an excellent choice when a class needs to inherit behavior from multiple sources. In many OOP languages like Java and C#, a class can implement multiple interfaces but can inherit from only one class. This limitation makes interfaces the go-to solution when you want to combine functionality from various sources without the constraints of class-based inheritance.

Choosing Between Abstract Classes and Interfaces

When deciding between abstract classes and interfaces in object-oriented programming (OOP), several factors should be considered to make an informed choice. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the decision should align with the specific requirements and design goals of your project.

Let’s explore a few factors worth considering.

Nature of the Relationship

Abstract Classes: Use abstract classes when there is an "is-a" relationship between the base class and its subclasses. This implies that the subclasses are specialized versions of the base class and share a strong inheritance hierarchy.

Interfaces: Use interfaces when there is no inherent "is-a" relationship, and multiple unrelated classes need to adhere to a common contract. Interfaces promote a "can-do" relationship where classes declare what they can do without specifying a common base implementation.

Multiple Inheritance

Abstract Classes: In most class-based OOP languages like Java and C#, classes can inherit from only one superclass, making abstract classes suitable when you need a common base class with some shared implementation. Abstract classes allow a degree of single inheritance.

Interfaces: Interfaces are the choice when you need to achieve multiple inheritance of behavior. A class can implement multiple interfaces, enabling it to inherit functionality from various sources without the constraints of single inheritance.

Default Implementations

Abstract Classes: Abstract classes can provide default implementations for some methods, allowing derived classes to inherit and optionally override them. This can be beneficial for code reuse when some common behavior is expected.

Interfaces: Interfaces do not include any implementation. They only declare method signatures. If you need to provide a common implementation for a set of classes, abstract classes may be more suitable.

Code Reusability

Abstract Classes: Abstract classes can offer a balance between enforcing a contract and providing some shared functionality. This can lead to higher code reusability among derived classes.

Interfaces: Interfaces, by design, promote greater code reusability since they specify a contract without any implementation. Classes implementing interfaces are free to provide their own implementations.


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