Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Copied as is from https://www.quickstart.com/software-engineering/when-and-how-to-use-abstract-class-and-interface/#:~:text=An%20interface%20in%20OOP%20is,return%20types)%20without%20any%20implementation. Understanding Abstract Classes An abstract class, in essence, is a class that cannot be instantiated on its own but serves as a foundation for other classes to be derived from. It acts as a template or a prototype, defining a common structure and a set of methods that must be implemented by its subclasses. The primary purpose of abstract classes is to provide a blueprint or a skeletal framework for derived classes. They outline the essential attributes and methods that any class inheriting from them must include. By doing so, abstract classes enforce a certain structure and consistency among the derived classes, ensuring that they adhere to a specific design pattern or interface. Abstract classes find their utility in various scenarios within software development, serving a...